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Admission Process for Grace Christian School 

Grace Christian School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin with all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, athletic activities or other school â€‹â€‹administered programs.


Sheri Young

Admissions Coordinator

Connie Chambley

Enrollment Coordinator

Admission Procedure

Applicants are accepted on the basis of past school performance, aptitude and achievement tests, favorable references, placement testing, and an interview involving parents, applicant, and the principal or her appointed representative.  Students are not accepted for admission without administrative approval. 

Applications may be completed online or on paper.  To apply online, click on this link:  Complete packet online​ and follow the instructions.  To access the paper application, either click on Admissions Forms link  for  


      2024-2025 Admissions Packet pdf

      2025-2026 Admissions Packet pdf


to download and print the application, or pick up an Admissions packet at the sch​ool office. 

The administration reserves the right to refuse admission to any student. Those students who are currently under discipline from a law enforcement agency, have been suspended or expelled from a school, or have been a previous discipline problem will not be accepted.  Transfer students must enter with a “C” or above average.  New students at Grace are subject to a conditional acceptance period and must maintain a 2.0 grade point average.  Students must exhibit appropriate behavior and attitude and will be reviewed at the end of each six-week grading period.

All completed forms should be returned to: Grace Christian School, 4900 Jackson Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71303.  Please be aware that receiving or completing the packet does not guarantee your child a place in the school. 


Students applying for admission for the first time must submit the following items:


  1. Completed application for admission


  2. $75.00 non-refundable, non-transferable application fee


  3. Copy of the most recent report card and standardized test scores


  4. Any education, medical, social, and psychological information/evaluations


  5. Copy of the student’s Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, and Social Security card


  6. Copy of the most recent standardized test report.  If no achievement test scores are available, the school may require that one be administered.


  7. Completed Parent/Student Responsibilities Agreement


  8. Completed Authorization for Release of Records


When these items have been received, applicants will be called for the purpose of scheduling an interview with the administrator.  After the interview, parents will receive official notification of a decision on your child’s acceptance, usually  within two weeks.  After receiving notification of your child’s placement, please submit these items within ten days to complete your child’s acceptance and secure his/her spot in the class: registration fee (non-refundable, non-transferable), registration form/tuition contract, and child identification form.


​To complete packet online: Complete packet online



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